Celebrating Independence Day of Indonesia, Indonesian Students Association in Victoria (PPIA Victoria) presents Temulawak, Teater Muda Langkah Awal Merdeka. It is held in Athenaum Theatre, 188 Collins Street, Melbourne. Starting aroung 3 pm, Madame Dewi Savitri Wahab, the Consulate General of Republic of Indonesia in Victoria, gives an opening remark, followed by the project manager. After the speeches, the choir presents some songs to break the freezing Melbourne weather.

This year’s Temulawak has “Oh, Batavia!” as its headline, highlighting the idea of nationalism through a musical comedy drama. The story is about a young girl named Terang who works in Hope Café. Just like any other young girls who fall in love, Terang always thinks about Putra, her boyfriend. However, Putra has to go to the war, leaving her behind. The drama evolves around the accusation from people that Terang is an intruder for her own country, because she is friend with a Japanese translator named Kuping Kiri a.k.a Goda. Adit, the nationalist orator from the army force, spread rumors about Terang betraying the country, and it makes her lose her regular customers. Because of that, Terang’s parents have to sell the Hope Café, so they can save their financial situation.

Doc. PPIA 207

What makes Temulawak 2017 so special is the music arranged by Vanessa Tunggal and friends as well as the presence of the amazing on-stage music crew. Even though this year it does not invite any guest stars, Temulawak 2017 is an art piece of Indonesian students in Melbourne. It relates to the quote from Ir. Soekarno, “Nasionalisme tidak tumbuh tanpa adanya internasionalisme.” (Nationalism doesn’t exist without internationalism)



Contributor: Levina Tabita