Are you interested in getting a scholarship in Australia and have always wanted to study in Australia but don’t know where to start? Are you curious about how you can get one?
Worry not! Check out their testimony and read the information below
Australia Awards Scholarships provide opportunities to study and research so that the scholars could drive change and contribute to development in Indonesia. Administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia, this scholarship offers benefits beyond imagination! From preparation, tuition, air travel, academic support, and even fieldwork; everything provided! As one of the prestige scholarship, you will gain an extensive networks and experiences. You will be the future leader that the world needs.
Sebagai ASN di Pemda yang jarang sekali mendapatkan akses ke informasi strategis terkait peluang untuk kuliah ke luar negeri, saya berusaha untuk mencari sendiri berbagai peluang untuk bisa kuliah ke negara impian saya sejak dulu: Australia. Beasiswa LPDP Targeted ASN/TNI/Polri memberikan saya kesempatan besar untuk melanjutkan pendidikan saya ke Universitas di Australia dan bisa merasakan suasana perkuliahan yang sama sekali baru buat saya. Beasiswa ini menanggung penuh secara at cost biaya kuliah yang dibebankan oleh kampus, dilengkapi juga dengan fasilitas tiket pesawat PP, dana hidup bulanan, dana kedatangan, dana buku, dana asuransi kesehatan, dan juga dana penelitian dan publikasi.
Beasiswa ASI ini tanpa interview dan motivation letter. Seleksi berdasarkan: Rekomendasi supervisor, IELTS overall band 7.0 with min all band 6.5, dan Publikasi Artikel. Keuntungan: Dapat Insurance kesehatan untuk keluarga dan tiket pesawat sekeluarga. Range living allowance hanya untuk awardee sekitar $28,000/year.
Studying abroad and experienced international education was initially just a dream for me. However, with the LPDP scholarship, I finally could achieve that dream. Given the opportunity to continue my study at Monash University Australia with LPDP has widened my perspective, knowledge, and networking. Through LPDP, I could see many potentials that Indonesia has. I am also introduced to a variety of cultures and learned how to respond to diversities. Those make me a better person.
For Indonesians who want to pursue Higher Education in Australia, please check the links below:
- Postgraduate students from Indonesian Government: LPDP
- Postgraduate students from Australian Government: Australia Awards
- Every university has its own scholarship either partial or full – Please contact the related administration officer in each faculty for further information
Disclaimer: PPIA Australia does not offer any scholarship or earn profit from any of the scholarship listed within this website