Tag: Blog
A Story from Niken
Hi everyone! My name is Niken (@nikenpriscilla). I am a final year BSc. Student, majoring in physics at the University of Melbourne and I am delighted to share about my passion. Growing up, I always have huge curiosity and interest in understanding everything on a deeper level. I came across Carl Sagan’s Cosmos when I…
Life in Melbourne: Music as a Getaway
By: Nadya Yolanda Moeda Music has been one of my interests. I still remember how I convinced my parents to let me earn a Bachelor’s degree in music, but they kept rejecting this idea. Since it was not easy for a 16-year old me to envision my future career besides being a musician or performer,…
Bits and Pieces of Indonesia in Curtin Primary School
By: Qisthi Shafira I am glad I have the opportunity to be an Indonesian Language Teaching Assistant (ILTA) in Curtin Primary School, Australian Capital Territory (ACT). This happens because of an MoU between Indonesian Embassy in Canberra and ACT Government. The Embassy in Canberra has to provide ILTAs for primary schools in ACT, and…