Category: Uncategorized
The Annual General Meeting of UQISA 2018
The University of Queensland Indonesian Student Association (UQISA) held the Annual General Meeting (AGM) last Sunday (16 September 2018) with two main agendas: the report from the former president and the election of the new UQISA president. According to Fajar Anandi, the head of the election committee, there were four candidates of UQISA President in…
Springnation 2018 Award Night
Springnation 2018 has been successfully held by PPIA Deakin Uni at the Melbourne City Conference Centre on Saturday, September 8th, 2018. Springantion is an annual sports competition held by PPIA Deakin. This year’s Springnation was different because it’s the first time for Springnation to have an award night. This event started with the student performances…
Indonesian Independence Day in Queensland
Last week, all Indonesians celebrated the Independence Day, and so did Indonesians in Queensland. Located in King George Square (in front of Brisbane City Hall), Independence Day was celebrated for three days with the big theme “The Ultimate Indonesian Weekend in Queensland”. This celebration was started with IndOz Festival, which is the biggest Indonesian cultural…
Temulawak 2018 by PPIA Victoria
Celebrating Independence Day of Indonesia, Indonesian Students Association in Victoria (PPIA Victoria) presents Temulawak, Teater Muda Langkah Awal Merdeka. It is held in Athenaum Theatre, 188 Collins Street, Melbourne. Starting around 4 pm, Madame Spica A. Tutuhatunewa, the Consulate General of Republic of Indonesia in Victoria, gives an opening remark, followed by the project manager and…
How To Register Yourself for 2019 Election
The next General Election will be held on April 2019 and it’s been eight more months to go. For all Indonesians in Australia, we would like to inform you with the following steps about how to register as a voter for the next General Election. For those in NSW, QLD, and SA : Visit the…
The President’s Message
Sejarah, Sinergi dan PPIA. Bung Karno pernah mengatakan agar kita jangan sekali-sekali melupakan sejarah. PPI Australia (PPIA) adalah organisasi Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Luar Negeri (PPI) terbesar yang mewakili puluhan ribu mahasiswa dan pelajar Indonesia yang ada di Australia. Secara historis, PPIA yang di dirikan di Canberra 8 Maret tahun 1981 kini telah genap berusia…
Changing Politics in Asia Pacific This article was previously published at SPERI Comment, 30 June 2018.