Indonesian Independence Day in Queensland

Last week, all Indonesians celebrated the Independence Day, and so did Indonesians in Queensland. Located in King George Square (in front of Brisbane City Hall), Independence Day was celebrated for three days with the big theme “The Ultimate Indonesian Weekend in Queensland”. This celebration was started with IndOz Festival, which is the biggest Indonesian cultural event in Queensland. After having IndOz Festival for two days, the Independence Day celebration was closed by Pesta Rakyat (Pesra) and Flag Raising Ceremony as well.

According to Lara, the MC of IndOz Festival, this cultural event is held annually and IndOz Festival in this year is the sixth event. It is organised by Synergy of Indonesia Australia (SIA), which is an organisation representing Indonesian and Australian diversity. This event successfully attracted many audiences as well as became the place to meet Indonesians from all around Queensland, not only Indonesians who live in Brisbane. Sponsored by Wonderful Indonesia, IndOz Festival 2018 introduced Indonesian cultural in Brisbane through presenting cultural performance, opening Indonesian food stalls, and providing information about tourism in Indonesia. Wayang Kulit Show by Mas Yogi, Punakawan and Soya-Soya Dance by KICA, and Dangdut Live Performance were some of the great performance of IndOz Festival.

After celebrating IndOz Festival on Friday and Saturday, the celebration was continued by Raising Flag Ceremony on Sunday afternoon. The ceremony was attended by His Excellency Yohanes Kristiarto Soeryo Legowo (The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia) and Heru Hartanto Subolo (Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia). By the end of ceremony, Pesra was started with the traditional games for children and Angklung Collaboration by Ironside Kids and UQISA (University of Queensland Indonesian Student Association). A number of cultural performance from different islands was presented during Pesra, such as Saman Dance by Zamania, Indang Badindin Dance by Minang Maimbau, and Tari Papua by Seharum Nusantara.

Pesra is organised by PPIA Queensland and this program has been held for ten times. As a routine cultural agenda, Pesra is usually organised in accordance with Indonesian special day. For example, before merging with Raising Flag Ceremony in 2018, Pesra was organised on October, in accordance with the Youth Pledge Day. This year, Pesra chose Colours of Indonesia as the tagline. “So we aim to show that Indonesia has so many beautiful culture, not only Bali, but there are also Jakarta, Borneo, Papua, and so forth,” said Kana, Pesra’s Project Officer. By the end of IndOz Festival by SIA and Pesra by PPIA Queensland, both Lara and Kana hoped that they can repeat the success of this “Indonesian Day” next year with more cultural performance and other spectacular shows.


Writer : Hesti Retno Budi Arini

Temulawak 2018 by PPIA Victoria

Celebrating Independence Day of Indonesia, Indonesian Students Association in Victoria (PPIA Victoria) presents Temulawak, Teater Muda Langkah Awal Merdeka. It is held in Athenaum Theatre, 188 Collins Street, Melbourne. Starting around 4 pm, Madame Spica A. Tutuhatunewa, the Consulate General of Republic of Indonesia in Victoria, gives an opening remark, followed by the project manager and the president of PPIA Victoria. After the speeches, Ajoy, a band by Indonesian students presented some songs to break the freezing Melbourne Weather.


This year, Temulawak has ‘Solara’ as its headline, which derived from the main character’s last name. Solara also means the sun. with that name, Alfa and Tara Solara’s parents wishes that they could bring glory to the nation. The story is about Tara Solara, she’s an athlete. She was trained by her father since she was a child to be a great badminton athlete. Her growth as an athlete also lead her to have a strong personality, be unafraid of failure, and an all-around fighter. However, her father’s ambition led to a disparity in their emotional bond.

Tara’s brother, Alfa Solara, is a determined student who studies hard with the intention to push Indonesia forward. Being an exemplary student who spends most of his time studying, led to Alfa being a social outcast, with only one close friend: Badra. Badra is a guitar player who often spent time with Alfa and Tara. With his relaxed mannerism and outgoing personality, Badra became good friends with the two siblings. With their own unique background, they seek to make Indonesia better in their own ways. The journey is not easy, and there’s some obstacles along the way, but they’re not giving up.

This drama has a positive message that sometimes there’s challenges and obstacles coming in our way, but with a great determination, we will still be able to achieve what we wanted for ourselves and for our country, even if the road is not as smooth as we expected.

This year, all the music is arranged by Jacklyn Marta and the amazing on-stage music crew. Temulawak 2018 is an art piece by Indonesian students in Melbourne, which have a positive message for Indonesia. it relates to the quote by Ir. Soekarno : “This country, the Republic of Indonesia does not belong to any group, nor to any religion, nor to any ethnic group with customs and traditions, but the property of  all of us from Sabang to Merauke.”


Writer : Levina Tabita

How To Register Yourself for 2019 Election

The next General Election will be held on April 2019 and it’s been eight more months to go. For all Indonesians in Australia, we would like to inform you with the following steps about how to register as a voter for the next General Election.

For those in NSW, QLD, and SA :

  1. Visit the website
  2. Click “Pendaftaran Pemilih” on the bottom of webpage.
  3. Fill out the data as your Citizenship Number (NIK) or Passport, then click “Registrasi”.
  4. Once you have clicked “Registrasi”, you will be able to manage your data by selecting menu “Pendaftaran Pemilih” on the right-hand side.
  5. Complete all required data based on your NIK or Passport, including your name, current address, and date of birth. You will also be asked to upload your scanned NIK or passport in the last section.
  6. Select and save your election method as your convenience
  7. Once you save your data, you will be directed to the final step. You can click “Selesai” once you are sure that your data is correct.
  8. A notification about the General Election will be sent to your email.

For those in VIC & TAS :

  1. Go to website, choose “cari data” and enter your name.
  2. if your name is not on the database, you can register by choosing “pendaftaran pemilih”
  3. Then fill in the form with your passport number and all the required data.

For those in WA, register yourself via the website, click “pendaftaran pemilih” and fill out the form.

For those in NT, you can register yourself by contacting the PPLN KRI Darwin via email at or by calling one of these numbers : 0423 901 634 / 0487 879 459 / 0413 228 780 and don’t forget to give a photo / scan of your passport along with the required data.

For those in ACT, you can register yourself by sending the”Masukan dan Tanggapan” form to or you can register yourself via the consular services in KBRI Canberra.


The President’s Message

Sejarah, Sinergi dan PPIA.

Bung Karno pernah mengatakan agar kita jangan sekali-sekali melupakan sejarah.

PPI Australia (PPIA) adalah organisasi Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Luar Negeri (PPI) terbesar yang mewakili puluhan ribu mahasiswa dan pelajar Indonesia yang ada di Australia.

Secara historis, PPIA yang di dirikan di Canberra 8 Maret tahun 1981 kini telah genap berusia 37 tahun, sebuah usia yang cukup matang untuk suatu organisasi yang dibuktikan dengan terstrukturnya PPIA dari tingkatan Pusat, 8 cabang sebagai representatif 8 negara bagian di Australia dan 33 ranting sebagai representatif dari setiap universitas yang terdapat sedikitnya 10 orang mahasiswa asal Indonesia. Semua berawal dari sinergisme mahasiswa yang memiliki semangat yang sama untuk berkontribusi kepada Indonesia.

Banyak prestasi keorganisasian yang telah ditorehkan oleh kepengurusan PPIA, baik di bidang keilmuan (Konfrerensi Internasional Pelajar Indonesia/KIPI yang dinamakan Indonesian Global Scholars Forum pada tahun 2018), di bidang riset dengan diterbitkannya jurnal kerjasama PPIA dengan PPI Dunia/PPID (OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas) yang juga merupakan program kerja pertama Kabinet Sinergi 2018-2019 dan juga pengabdian masyarakat/charity seperti PPIA Impact yang menjadi program kerja PPIA 2017-2018.

Hal ini mengindikasikan terpenuhinya konsep Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang dijunjung tinggi oleh mahasiswa dan civitas akademika di lingkungan universitas di Indonesia, yaitu pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat. Sebuah tradisi pendidikan Indonesia yang dipelihara oleh PPIA.

Lebih jauh, PPIA melalui KIPI pada tahun 2007 yang merupakan inisiasi kepengurusan periode 2006-2008, berhasil memberikan embrio ide dan konsep yang kemudian melahirkan PPID. PPID adalah aliansi organisasi-organisasi PPI berbagai negara yang memiliki semangat juang kepemudaan yang luar biasa dan lantas bersinergi untuk membentuk sebuah wadah bersama dengan tujuan memberikan kontribusi yang nyata untuk Indonesia.

Tidak sampai disitu, PPIA pada tingkatan Cabang dan Ranting juga rutin mengadakan acara-acara dengan kharakternya masing-masing baik itu yang bersifat sosial, pentas seni budaya dan drama musikal, kajian intelektual, kompetisi olahraga serta acara lainnya yang memperkuat tali silaturahim dan kebersamaan antar sesama pelajar Indonesia di Australia.

Kesemua program PPIA dari tingkat Pusat, Cabang hingga Ranting selalu terwujud melalui proses sinergi dengan pihak-pihak terkait baik itu KBRI, KJRI, lembaga government dan non-government, akademisi dan aktivis sosial serta pihak tarkait lainnya baik itu yang ada di Indonesia maupun Australia.

Catatan-catatan gemilang PPIA ini tentu tidak terlahir dalam waktu yang singkat, dibutuhkan proses panjang dan semangat luar biasa dari putra-putri bangsa Indonesia yang ada di Australia untuk mewujudkannya.

Berkaca pada sejarah masa lalu, Kabinet Sinergi PPIA 2018-2019 lahir dan melihat masa depan dengan mengutamakan sinergi antar elemen baik internal dan external PPIA. Penekanan terhadap asas kekeluargaan dan prinsip sinergi, inovasi, pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat yang berkelanjutan akan menjadi fokus utama kepengurusan periode ini.

Layaknya sebuah pohon yang telah tumbuh besar, PPIA memiliki akar landasan yang kuat secara historis serta Cabang dan Ranting yang banyak dan sehat yang terus tumbuh seiring dengan semakin banyaknya pelajar Indonesia yang datang ke Australia.

Oleh karenanya saya percaya dengan dukungan individu-individu yang ada di dalam PPIA dan pihak terkait lainnya yang berada di luar PPIA, kita dapat bersinergi untuk memberikan kontribusi terbaik bagi Tanah-Air kita, Indonesia.

Mari bersama PPIA menjadi bagian dari generasi muda yang berkontribusi terhadap kemajuan bangsa Indonesia melalui tindakan nyata. Boleh jadi hari ini masa depan PPIA ditingkatan Pusat, Cabang atau Ranting ada ditangan anda, tapi mungkin suatu hari nanti anda lah yang akan menjadi pemimpin bangsa Indonesia. Dan pemimpin yang baik itu lahir melalui proses.

Mari menjadi pelaku sejarah, bersinergi dan berproses bersama untuk mempersiapkan diri kita menjadi pemimpin bangsa dikemudian hari. Karena usaha tidak pernah menghianati hasil dan PPIA adalah rumah untuk kita semua, pelajar Indonesia di Australia.

We are big and happy family!


Salam PPIA!

Wollongong, Juli 2018,


Hakam Junus

President PPI Australia 2018-2019

CALL FOR PAPER (Journal of Indonesia-Australia Studies Vol.1 No.1 December 2018)

Call for Papers

We hereby invite authors to submit scientific papers to be published in the Journal of Indonesia-Australia Studies. The submitted manuscript should follow Authors guidelines and be written either in Bahasa Indonesia or in English.

Accepted scopes include manuscript that promotes a deeper scientific and cross-disciplinary understanding of the Australian-Indonesian relations and scientific development:
* [POL] Policy issues (topics include but not limited to studies in politics, maritime policy, bilateral relationship, economic policy, and law)
* [CUL] Cultural studies (topics include but not limited to studies in languages, arts, ethnics, history, religion),
* [SCI] Science (topics include but not limited to studies in technology, engineering, informatics, medical (modern/traditional), health, and climate change)
* [EDU] Education (topics include but not limited to in behavioural studies, learning, curriculum development, and education management)

We accept a manuscript around the year!

The Journal is published two times a year (Summer and Winter).

Writing guideline:

Journal of Indonesia-Australia Studies is published and managed by Indonesian Students Association of Australia (Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Australia)